Wednesday, October 28, 2009



sweet smell of fresh air
Krystal clear snowflakes
Incredible sights
Impossible tricks to do
Never ending mountains
Great weather

Always something to do
Nothing stuck in the sparkly iced water
Down we go

Sparking clean frozen water
No wind pushing you of a cliff
Oh, no I'm about to fall
Wet and cold snow

Best time ever
On the mountain, lots of snow
A beautiful place to be
Riding down the enormous mountain
Dying to go down the rocky mountain
Interesting things to do up the mountain
Not a chance to fall
Glowing, glittery snow


The x-box has been a great experience this year specially when we played Thrillville & Civilisation Revolution. My favourite game is Thrillville because it showed you management skills that you would need later in life. You also own a theme park with roller coasters and lots of shops. You can play many games by entering shops.

On Civilisation Revolution you learn about world history & ancient leaders. there are three ways you could win: cultural, technology & domination. At first you start with very little number of people. As you start going warrior the world changes and the game keeps getting harder. You can triple your strength by combining three units into an army.

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